BC MEND ML/ARD Annual Workshop

  1. Hicks S.. Acidic Airport Drainage - Over 20 Years Worth of Experience . Presented at the 2006 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  Halifax airport  HDS  lime  lime treatment  limestone bed  non-mine 

  2. Wiber, M.. East Kemptville Closure Performance. Presented at the 2006 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  closure  drainage chemistry  East Kempville  lime treatment  receiving environment  settling pond  water management 

  3. Ferguson K. and M. Aziz. Equity Silver Mine - Ten Years Experience with Dry Covers. Presented at the 2000 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Equity  financial security  hydrology  lime treatment  monitoring  soil cover 

  4. Hamblin C.. The Ongoing Rehabilitation of Ontario’s Kam Kotia Mine: An Abandoned Acid Generating Tailings Site. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  batch Na0H  cost  GCL  geotube  Kam Kotia  lime treatment  receiving environment  saturated cover  soil barrier  solid residue  spill  tailings  underwater  wind-erosion 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. The Continuing Rehabilitation of the Kam Kotia Mine Site: An Acid Generating Abandoned Tailings Site

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