BC MEND ML/ARD Annual Workshop

  1. Cash A., G. Wilson, P. Urrutia and J. Robertson. A 2011 Update for the Single-layer Desulphurized Tailings Cover Completed in 1999 at Detour Gold. Presented at the 2011 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  cost  desulphurize  Detour  dry cover  model  NAG  PAG  slurry  tailings 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Evaluation of a Single-Layer Desulphurized Tailings Cover. 6th ICARD

  2. Ayres B., L. Lanteigne and M. O'Kane. A Review of Performance of the Whistle Mine Backfilled Pit Cover System - Four Years After Construction. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend lime  backfill  dry cover  model  pit  soil barrier  treatment  waste rock  Whistle 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Closure Planning and Implementation at CVRD Inco's Whistle Mine, Ontario, Canada

  3. O'Kane M.. A Summary of the INAP Report on the Evaluation of the Long-Term Performance of Dry Cover Systems. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  guidelines  revegetation  soil barrier 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Evaluation of the Long-Term Performance of Dry Cover Systems

  4. Mayich D. and B. Macdonald. Acid Rock Drainage Dry Covers Site Closure Program. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Cape Breton  consolidate  dry cover  Franklyn  geomembrane  Princess  Summit  Victoria Junction 

  5. Blier A., D. Therrien and R. Gallinger. Acid Rock Drainage Management at La Mine Doyon. Presented at the 2007 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  cost  Doyon  dry cover  HDS  PAG  prediction  treatment  underwater 

  6. Hicks S.. Acidic Airport Drainage - Over 20 Years Worth of Experience . Presented at the 2006 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  Halifax airport  HDS  lime  lime treatment  limestone bed  non-mine 

  7. Isabel D., J. Cyr, A. Hebert and R. Maurice. Aldermac Mine Site Restoration. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  Aldermac  amend lime  consolidate  dam  dry cover  elevated watetable  revegetation  settling pond  spill  tailings 

  8. O'Kane M.. An Overview of Dry Cover Systems Around the World. Presented at the 2000 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  guidelines  soil cover 

  9. Haug M.. Applications of Alternative Covers For Potash Mining. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend  dry cover  mine components  mitigation  potash 

  10. Jennings S. and P. Castiglione. Applications of Soil Physics for Long-term Monitoring of Soil Water Content in Evapotranspiration Cover Systems in Montana; Case Studies and Equipment Evolution. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend lime  Anaconda  ash  Colstrip  dry cover  monitoring  revegetation  soil barrier  store and release  tailings 

  11. Dukkett R., O.P. Flite and M. O'Kane. ARD Management at the Rio Tinto Ridgeway Gold Mine, South Carolina, USA. Presented at the 2012 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  dry cover  impoundment  liner  prediction  Ridgeway  soil barrier  tailings  waste rock 

  12. Sherriff B.. Arsenic Mobility from Arsenopyrite-rich Gold Mine Waste, Snow Lake, Manitoba. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  arsenic  dry cover  hydrology  mineralogy  receiving environment  Snow Lake 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Arsenic Mobility in Alteration Products of Sulphide-rich, Arsenopyrite-bearing Mine Wastes, Snow Lake, Manitoba, Canada.
    2. Arsenic Mobility from Arsenopyrite-rich Gold Mine Waste, Snow Lake,Manitoba, Canada

  13. Robertson A.. Assessment and Management of Risks Relating to Covers for Metal Leaching and ARD Mitigation. Presented at the 1998 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  guidelines  risk assessment 

  14. Heath G.. Autonomous Monitoring System Results at the Gilt Edge Mine. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  dry cover  geomembrane  Gilt Edge  tracer 

  15. Runnells J.. BC’s Crown Contaminated Sites Program (CCSP) - Experiences Remediating Small, Old Mines. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  BC  dry cover  mitigation  monitoring  revegetation  risk assessment 

  16. O'Kane M.. Boliden Aitik Mine Closure Planning - WRSF Closure Planning Support Studies. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Aitik  closure  discharge  drainage chemistry  dry cover  hydrology  loading  mitigation  model  NAG  PAG  soil barrier  waste rock 

  17. Meiers G., J. Sgaoula and S. Turcotte. Capillary-Break Cover Systems: Challenges in Laboratory to Field and Field to Laboratory Evaluation and Design. Presented at the 2022 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend  bentonite  capillary  dry cover  Goldex  Manitou  store and release  tailings cover  waste rock 

  18. Martin J., G. Wiatzka, J. Scharer and B. Halbert. Case Studies that Illustrate the Benefits, Limitations and Information Requirements of Geochemical Modelling. Presented at the 2005 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  Crean Hill  dry cover  guidelines  Kam Kotia  model  pit  prediction  waste rock 

  19. Van Dyk R.. Cementitious Sealant Materials for ARD Control. Presented at the 1995 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  ash  cement  cost  dry cover  Myra Falls  tailings cover  waste rock 

  20. Baumgartl T., A. Schneider, D. Dole and D. Mulligan. Challenges for the Design of Cover Systems in the Australian Environment. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Cobar  dry cover  Mount Isa  soil barrier 

  21. O'Kane M. and L. Barbour. Challenges with measuring cover system performance. Presented at the 2014 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Cape Breton  dry cover  monitoring 

  22. Meiers G., M. O'Kane, C. Bradley and J. Shea. Closure of a Legacy WRP: Transitioning to Passive Treatment. Presented at the 2015 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Cape Breton  dry cover  geomembrane  hydrology  treatment  Victoria Junction 

  23. Small A., J. Pugh, J. Stroiazzo and I. Walton. Closure of Jarosite Pond Facility, Timmins, Ontario: Design and Construction. Presented at the 2013 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  closure  dry cover  geomembrane  impoundment  Kidd Creek  lime  processing  solid-residue  treatment 

  24. Ayres B.. Closure Planning and Implementation at Vale Inco’s Whistle Mine. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  dry cover  monitoring  pit  soil barrier  waste rock  Whistle 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Closure Planning and Implementation at CVRD Inco’s Whistle Mine, Ontario, Canada

  25. Rykaart M., D. Hockley, M. Nahir and G. Tremblay. Cold Region Covers: What Works and What Doesn't?. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate  climate change  dry cover  freezing  guideleines  soil barrier 

  26. Bleiker D.. Concept to Closure: Victoria Junction Coal Preparation Plant. Presented at the 2006 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Cape Breton  closure  dry cover  geomembrane  hydrology  treatment  Victoria Junction 

  27. Phillip M., D. Hockley, B. Dawson and W. Kuit. Convective Flow Monitoring and the Influence of Cover Material. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  failure  gas  health and safety  Sullivan  temperature  waste rock 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Sullivan Mine Fatalities Incident: Technical Investigations and Findings
    2. Sullivan Mine Fatalities Incident: Key Conclusions and Implications for Other Sites

  28. Kemp D.. Cover Material Requirements for the ARD Tailings at Raglan. Presented at the 2003 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate change  dry cover  filter  freezing  Raglan  tailings 

  29. O'Kane M.. Cover Systems in the Athabasca Oil Sands - A Summary of the 'Green Bullet' and Ten Years of Reclamation Research at Syncrude Canada Ltd.. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  Oil Sands  reclamation  soil barrier 

  30. Theriault S., D. Kolstad, T. Fasking and M. Unger. Current Geochemical Understanding and Implications for Long-Term Care of the Closed Pine Point, NWT Tailings Impoundment Area. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend  dry cover  lime  Pine Point  prediction  tailings 

  31. Ayres B.. Design, Construction, and Performance Monitoring of Cover Systems for Waste Rock and Tailings. Presented at the 2006 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate  dry cover  monitoring  soil barrier  water management  Whistle 

  32. Amos R.T., B.L. Bailey, N. Pham, N. Fretz, S. Hannam, D. Blowes, D.C. Sego and L. Smith. Diavik Waste Rock Project: Northern Aspects and Scaling Predictions. Presented at the 2012 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Diavik  drainage chemistry  dry cover  freezing  hydrology  prediciton  scale up  temperature 

  33. Condon P.. Dry Stack Tailings Disposal at the Greens Creek Mine, Admiralty Island, Alaska. Presented at the 2012 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend carbon  backfill  codisposal  dry cover  filter  Greens Creek  prediction  tailings 

  34. McAlary M., C.J. Ptacek, J.G. Bain, D.W. Blowes, J. Fyfe and S. Marshall. Effectiveness of Organic Carbon Cover Systems on Sulfide-rich Tailings. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend  biosolids  desulphurized  dry cover  gas  hydrology  lime  Onaping  organic cover  tailings 

  35. Meints C. and M. Aziz. Equity Mine - 25 Years of Closure. Presented at the 2018 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  batch  closure  collection  construction material  discharge  drainage chemistry  dry cover  Equity  financial security  HDS  hydrology  impoundment  monitoring  physical stability  prediction  receiving environment  soil barrier  solid residue  tailings  treatment  underwater  waste rock 

  36. Aziz M. and K. Ferguson. Equity Silver Mine: Over 10 Years Experience with Dry Covers. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate  dry cover  Equity  hydrology  lime  maintenance costs  model  monitoring  soil barrier  treatment  waste rock 

  37. Kingston S.. Evaluating Performance of Cover Design for Remedial Options Analysis of Mine Closure. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  Cantung  dry cover  lag time  model  tailings 

  38. Condon P.. Evaluation of Reclamation Concepts at the Greens Creek Mine, Admirality Island, Alaska. Presented at the 2011 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend carbon  codisposal  dry cover  filter  Greens Creek  prediction  soil barrier  tailings  waste rock 

  39. Benson C.. Evolution of Soil Hydraulic Properties in Dry Covers: Lessons Learned from the Alternative Cover Assessment Program (ACAP). Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  GCL  geomembrane  soil barrier  store and release 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Postconstruction Changes in the Hydraulic Properties of Water Balance Cover Soils

  40. O'Kane M., D. Christensen, K. Bonstrom and B. Huys. Evolution of Waste Rock Management and Cover System Design at BHPBilliton Iron Ore, Mt. Whaleback Operations, Western Australia. Presented at the 2011 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  deposition  dry cover  encapsulation  model  Mt Whaleback  store and release  waste rock 

  41. Lindahl L.A., M. Sandberg and M. Lindvall. Experiences from Dry Cover Projects in Sweden, 1974-2004. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Aitik  ash  Bersbo  biosolids  dry cover  elevated watertable  Enasen  Kristineberg  Saxberget  soil barrier 

  42. Nahir M.. Faro Mine Rehabilitation Project. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  closure  diversion  drainage treatment  dry cover  Faro  financial security  option analysis  pit  tailings  waste rock  water management 

  43. Benson C. and W. Albright. Field Scale Hydrology of Dry Covers: US EPA's Alternative Cover Assessment Program. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  research  store and release 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Field Water Balance of Landfill Final Covers

  44. McKeown M.. Forecasting long term water quality - Swedish mine. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Aitik  closure  discharge  drainage chemistry  dry cover  hydrology  loading  mitigation  model  PAG  prediction  soil barrier  waste rock 

  45. Beckie R., L. Smith, K. Wagner and F. Guerin. Geochemistry of an Experimental Waste Rock Pile, Cluff Lake, Saskatchewan. Presented at the 2005 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Cluff Lake  drainage chemistry  dry cover  hydrology  prediction  scale up  waste rock 

  46. Sperling T.. Geomembrane Barriers In Bottom Liner and Cover Applications At Landfill Sites. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  GCL  geomembrane  guidelines  liner  soil barrier 

  47. Hofton T. and R. Schwenger. Geomembrane Cover on Normetal Reactive Tailings: A Case Study. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  consolidate  dry cover  geomembrane  Normetal  spill  tailings 

  48. Rowe R.K.. Geomembranes (GM) and geosynthetic clay covers (GCL): what is known and should be assumed by practitioners about cover durability. Presented at the 2014 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  GCL  geomembranes 

  49. Rowe R.K.. GMR and GCL covers: what monitoring, maintenance, repair and replacement is needed to ensure and contingency plans are needed for proactive detection and resolution of problems before there are significant environmental impacts. Presented at the 2014 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  GCL  geomembranes  maintenance  monitoring 

  50. Junqueira F., S. Dunlap and W. Wilson. Golden Sunlight Soil Covers on Waste Rock and Tailings. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  Golden Sunlight  model  store and release  tailings  waste rock 

  51. Benson C.. Hydraulic & Chemical Properties of Geosynthetic Clay Liners Exhumed from Dry Covers. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  GCL  geomembrane 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Hydraulic Conductivity of Geosynthetic Clay Liners Exhumed from Landfill Final Covers

  52. Verberg R.. Hydrogeochemical Considerations Related to Disposal of Thickened Tailings, Including Paste. Presented at the 2008 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  filter  Neves Corvo  paste  slurry  tailings  thicken 

  53. Baisley A.. INAP's Global Cover System (2018). Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  guidelines 

  54. Price W.. Information and Design Requirements for Dry Covers. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  guidelines  maintenance  monitoring  revegetation  soil barrier  water management 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Excerpts from Guidelines for Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage at Minesites in British Columbia
    2. Excerpts from List of Potential Information Requirements in Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage Assessment and Mitigation Work

  55. Rykaart M., D. Hockley, M. Noel, M. Paul and S. Jahn. International Review of Soil Cover Design & Construction Practices. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  failure  guidelines  survey 

  56. Mueller S., J. Holm, A. Koivuhuhta, M. Kuivalainen, J. Riikonen, S. Hindström, T. Lehtilä, S. Pearce, G. Digges La Touche, A. Martin, M. McKeown, D. Christiansen and M. O’Kane. Kevitsa Mine - Updating the Design for Closure. Presented at the 2022 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  freeze  organic cover  pit lake  progressive  soil barrier  store and release  stratification  tailings  waste rock 

  57. Arseneault B. and N. Chevé. Large Scale Field Trials of Cover Systems at Mine Canadian Malartic. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Canadian Malartic  capillary  codisposal  dry cover  options analysis  soil 

  58. Ayres B.. Lessons Learned from 20+ Years Post-Closure Monitoring at BHP’s Legacy Mine Sites in North America. Presented at the 2022 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  attenuation  Carson Hill  diversion  dry cover  Elliot Lake  financial security  heap leach  Lisbon  relinquishment  Selbaie  soil barrier 

  59. Aubertin M.. Lessons Learned From Field Applications of CCBE. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  Goldstrike  Lorraine  LTA  Manitou  model  monitor  soil barrier  tailings cover  UQAT 

  60. Ward A.. Long-term Cover Design and Performance Assessment - A Hanford Case Study. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  asphalt cover  dry cover  Hanford  store and release  uranium  water management 

  61. van Zyl D., M. Aubertin, R. Nicholson and I. Bruce. Maintenance and Triggers for Maintenance of Dry Covers. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  guidelines  maintenance 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Presentation
    2. Presentation

  62. Fransen P., J. Ruddock, T. Matuschka, S. Miller and W. Russell. Micro and Macro Scale Design and Performance of Dry Covers - Waihi, New Zealand. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend limestone  dry cover  encapsulation  tailings impoundment  Waihi  waste rock 

  63. Murphy M.. Mount Washington Remediation: Four hectares of Bituminous Liner. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  asphalt cover  dry cover  Mount Washington 

  64. Deniseger J. and P. Healey. Mt. Washington Copper Mine Remediation Project. Presented at the 2011 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  asphalt cover  dry cover  Mount Washington  passive  receiving environment  wetland 

  65. Keller J., T.M. Yao, M. Milczarek, D. Hammermeister and R. Rice. New Methods for Hydraulic Characterization of Mine Waste and Cover System Materials. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  heap leach  hydrology  model  prediction  waste rock 

  66. Bussière B., S. Puliot, E. Charbonneau and W. Wilson. On the Use of Paste Rock as Cover Material for Mine Site Reclamation. Presented at the 2018 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Canadian Malartic  co-disposal  dry cover  kinetic test  options analysis  slurry  tailings  waste rock 

  67. Chambers D.. Operational Use of Mathematical Modelling. Presented at the 1996 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  model  prediction  tailings  waste rock 

  68. Langley S., S. Beauchemin and B. Tisch. Organic Covers on Tailings: Effects and Economic Returns. Presented at the 2018 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  biosolids  Copper Cliff  dry cover  microbiology  mineralogy  Ontario  organic cover  reclamation  revegetation  tailings 

  69. O'Kane M.. Overview of INAP's Global Cover System Design Guidance Document. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate  dry cover  guidelines  hydrology  option analysis  reclamation 

  70. W. (Bill) Price. Overview of Performance, Risks and Requirements of ML/ARD Mitigation Measures for Tailings Storage Facilities - Part 2. Presented at the 2024 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  collection  dry cover  guidelines  impoundment  mitigation  tailings  treatment  weathering 

  71. McLeod H. and B. Brown. Panel Discussion: What Design Features, Monitoring and Resources are Required to Maintain the Long-Term Performance of a Dry Cover?. Presented at the 2000 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  maintenance  risk assessment 

  72. Dave N.. Performance of Denison Mine Tailings Management Areas (TMAs) Fifteen Years Following Decommissioning. Presented at the 2011 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend lime  barium  Denison  dry cover  elevated-watertable  Lower Williams Lake  NaOH  Stanrock  treatment  underwater  uranium 

  73. Maurice R. and M. Wiber. Poirier Mine: HDPE Liner Over Tailings, Performance After Four Years. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  consolidate  dry cover  geomembrane  impoundment  Poirier  spill  tailings 

  74. Wiber M.. Poirier Reclamation Performance. Presented at the 2006 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  chemistry  drainage  dry cover  geomembrane  Poirier  subsidence  tailings 

  75. Zhan J., A. Jones and P. Yuan. Post Closure Cover Performance Evaluation and Improvement at Rain Mine in Nevada. Presented at the 2022 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate  dry cover  geomembrane  model  store and release  waste rock 

  76. Unger M. and R. Peterson. Post Closure Water Management at the Reclaimed Sullivan Mine. Presented at the 2018 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  closure  collection  discharge  diversion  dry cover  flooded underground  HDS  maintenance  monitoring  soil barrier  Sullivan  sulphate reduction  tailings  treatment  waste rock 

  77. O'Kane M.. Practical Use of MEND Report 2.21.4: Design, Construction & Performance Monitoring of Cover Systems for Waste Rock and Tailings. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  guidelines  model  monitoring 

  78. Pearce S., D. Brookshaw, K. Grohs, M. Orr, Y. Kalua and H. Purnamasari. Practically Achieving Zero Oxygen Conditions: Field Data Collected during Construction of an Integrated Waste Storage Facility at the Martabe Mine. Presented at the 2020 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  AP  dam  dry cover  erosion  gas  layering  Martabe  monitoring  revegetation  rock cover  waste rock 

  79. Smith L., L. MacPhie, D. Leahy, R. Maji and M. Wen. Prediction of Metal Loadings from Groundwater to Tidal Waters. Presented at the 2007 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  hydrology  Island Copper  loading  model  pit lake  prediction  waste rock 

  80. Bienvenu L.. Recent Closure Technologies in Quebec for Acid Generating Sites. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  Albert  closure  cost  dry cover  East Sullivan  exploration  GCL  geomembrane  Goldex  lime  Lorraine  Manitou  organic cover  Poirier  Quebec  regulation  Solbec  Somex  tailings cover  underwater 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Manitou-Goldex Project: An MRNF Agnico-Eagle Mines Partnership
    2. News Release: Fonds Restor-Action Nunavik

  81. Demers I., B. Bussière, A. Maqsoud and J. Cyr. Reclamation of the Manitou Tailings Site Using Neutral Tailings from Agnico-Eagle's Goldex Mine. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  dry cover  elevated watertable  Goldex  hydrology  Manitou  predevelopment  prediction  tailings  tailings cover 

  82. Blais E.. Remediation of the East Tailings Management Area, Lynn Lake, Manitoba . Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  dry cover  limestone  Lynn Lake  options analysis  permeable reactive barrier  tailings impoundment  treatment  vertical flow pond  wind-erosion 

  83. Zhan J.. Richmond Hill Mine Heap Leach Pad Soil Cover System Evaluation. Presented at the 2018 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  bentonite  dry cover  heap leach  liner  model  monitoring  Richmond Hill  store and release 

  84. Lépine T.. Rockfill Storage Facilities Management – Meadowbank Mine. Presented at the 2018 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate change  construction material  dry cover  freezing  Meadowbank Mine  monitoring  operating  PAG  reclamation  rock cover  segregation  waste rock 

  85. Smith Q. and L. Lanteigne. Selection and Implementation of a Dry Cover System at Whistle Open Pit Mine. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  bentonite cover  dry cover  GCL  model  options analysis  pit  soil barrier  waste rock  Whistle 

  86. Hockley D., M. Rykaart and M. Noel. Soil Covers in the Canadian North. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Arctic Gold and Silver  Beaverlodge  Colomac  Discovery  dry cover  elevated watertable  Faro  freezing  Giant  options analysis  rock cover  soil barrier  Venus 

  87. Phillip M. and D. Hockley. Sullivan Fatalities Incident: Technical Investigations and Findings Part 1. Presented at the 2007 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  failure  gas  health and safety  Sullivan  temperature  waste rock 

  88. Phillip M. and D. Hockley. Sullivan Fatalities Incident: Technical Investigations and Findings Part 2. Presented at the 2007 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  failure  gas  health and safety  model  Sullivan  temperature  waste rock 

  89. Unger M. and D. van Dieren. Sullivan Mine: Water Collection Closure Plan vs. 10 yrs Post-Closure Experience. Presented at the 2011 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  closure  collection  dry cover  flooded underground  HDS  hydrology  soil barrier  Sullivan  treatment  water management 

  90. Rainey D.. Surface Water Management Challenges at the Grum Sulphide Cell (GSC) Cover, Faro Mine Complex, Yukon. Presented at the 2011 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  Faro  geomembrane  soil  waste rock  water management 

  91. Straub K. and M. Paradis. Tailings Storage Facility: Issues & Perspective of Filtered Tailings in an Arctic Environment Part 1. Presented at the 2012 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate  dry cover  filter  freezing  Raglan  tailings 

  92. Straub K., J. Page, M. Paradis and D. Tremblay. Tailings Storage Facility: Issues & Perspective of Filtered Tailings in an Arctic Environment Part 2. Presented at the 2012 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  filter  freezing  Raglan  tailings  wind-erosion 

  93. Keller J., M. Milczarek and T.M. Yao. The Affect of Tailings Characteristics on Cover System Design. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend  biosolids  dry cover  revegatation  tailings 

  94. Germain D., N. Tassé and J. Cyr. The East-Sullivan Mine Site: Merging Prevention and Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  dry cover  East Sullivan  elevated watertable  organic cover  tailings  water management 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. The East-Sullivan Mine Site: Merging Prevention and Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage

  95. McGregor D.. The Faro Mine Legacy. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  collection  diversion  drainage treatment  dry cover  lime  revegetation 

  96. Paul M. and A. Kassahun. The German Wismut Environmental Remediation Programme - Status Achieved and Challenges Remaining. Presented at the 2013 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  closure  dry cover  segregation  treatment  waste rock  Wismut 

  97. Lin D., B. Weeks, M. Aziz and W. Wilson. The Influence of Orientation and Aspect on Net Infiltration for the Soil Cover System at Equity Silver Mine. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate  dry cover  Equity  soil barrier  waste rock 

  98. Weeks B. and W. Wilson. The Influence of Spatial Energy Distribution on Cover Performance at the Equity Silver Mine. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate  dry cover  hydrology  model 

  99. Bradley R.. The Rehabilitation of Ontario's Kam Kotia Mine. Presented at the 2006 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  consolidation  dry cover  financial security  GCL  Kam Kotia  lime  NaOH  rehabilitation  solid residue  tailings  treatment 

  100. Hamblin C.. The Rehabilitation of the Kam Kotia Mine Site: An Exercise in Cover Construction and Water Management. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  consolidate  dry cover  GCL  Kam Kotia  soil barrier  tailings 

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