Watson I., S. Hill, C. Banton and T. Davies. A UK perspective on managing mine waters sustainably. Presented at the 2015 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection passive treatment vertical flow wetland
Sylte S., L. Reggin and M. Wen. ARD Seepage Gradient Control and Collection System at Island Copper Mine - South Waste Rock Dump, British Columbia. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection cut off wall Island Copper tailings waste rock
Morin K. and B. Rosendale. Bell Mine - Drainage Collection and Discharge. Presented at the 1999 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Bell collection water management
Parkinson G., P. Bryan and P. Healey. Britannia Mine - 4100 Level Plug Test: A Mine Hydrology Investigation. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Britannia bulkhead collection flooded underground hydrology
O'Hara G. and R. Hammett. Britannia Mine Remediation Project: Water Management. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Britannia collection discharge diversion flooded underground HDS loadings treatment
Thomas C. and T. O’Grady. Closure Activities – Progress over the last 10 years, Britannia Mine . Presented at the 2018 workshop.
KEYWORDS: abandoned Britannia closure collection maintenance pit receiving environment risk assessment scaling solid residue underground
Supporting Documents:
Aziz M.. Collection and Treatment of ARD at Equity Silver. Presented at the 1998 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection Equity risk assessment water management
Price W. and K. Bellefontaine. Components of Successful Drainage Treatment. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: active collection guidelines passive solid residue treatment
Ferguson P., C. Wels and N. Pesonen. Current Site Conditions and Water Quality Predictions for Myra Creek, Nyrstar Myra Falls, British Columbia. Presented at the 2018 workshop.
KEYWORDS: closure collection diversion drainage chemistry loadings model Myra Falls prediction receiving environment underwater
Wels C., P. Kuranov, A. Trapp, P. Ferguson, M. Miller, A. Bhabra and S. Jensen. Down-Valley Seepage Interception System, Rose Creek Valley, Faro Mine Remediation Project. Presented at the 2020 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection dam Faro hydrology tailings impoundment tracer treatment
Wels C., P. Kuranov, A. Trapp, P. Ferguson, M. Miller, A. Bhabra and S. Jensen. Down-Valley Seepage Interception System, Rose Creek Valley, Faro Mine Remediation Project. Presented at the 2020 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection dam Faro hydrology tailings impoundment tracer treatment
Meints C. and M. Aziz. Equity Mine - 25 Years of Closure. Presented at the 2018 workshop.
KEYWORDS: batch closure collection construction material discharge drainage chemistry dry cover Equity financial security HDS hydrology impoundment monitoring physical stability prediction receiving environment soil barrier solid residue tailings treatment underwater waste rock
Sencza W.. Golden Giant Mine Closure. Presented at the 2013 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection cyanide ferric Golden Giant ion exchange NaOH treatment underwater
Price W.. Information and Design Requirements for Drainage Treatment in British Columbia. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection discharge guidelines solid residue treatment
Freed R., R. Marsland, J. Cho, I. McWilliams and S. Henderson. Investigating Loadings from Tailings and Waste Rock for Closure Planning at Nyrstar Myra Falls. Presented at the 2012 workshop.
KEYWORDS: closure collection hydrology loading Myra Falls paste tailings waste rock
D. Mackie and P. Kuranov. Lessons Learned from Operation of Groundwater Collection Systems at the Faro Mine, Yukon. Presented at the 2023 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection diversion drainage chemistry Faro hydrology monitoring water management
Rainey D.. Long term implications Geochemical Risk at Faro Mine. Presented at the 2019 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection diversion mineralogy water management
Jarvis A. and P. Younger. Low Maintenance Options and Challenges for the Collection and Interception of Mine Drainage. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection permeable reactive barrier treatment UK vertical flow pond wetland
Chalmers B., S. Henderson and I. McWilliams. Managing 3 Meters of Rainfall Per Year. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection Myra Falls tailings impoundment treatment water management
Noack G., G. Puro and T. Ross. Managing Surface Water at CVRD INCO'S Integrated Mining, Milling and Smelting Operations in Sudbury Ontario: Implementing Modern Solutions to Legacy Challenges. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection impoundment seismic Sudbury water management
Supporting Documents:
Peterson R., S. Humphries and D. Schneider. Overcoming Challenges in Long-term Groundwater Interception. Lower Mine Yard, Former Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, BC. Presented at the 2020 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection hydrology maintenance Sullivan treatment waste rock
Supporting Documents:
- Hydrogeological assessment for mitigation of groundwater discharge to a creek in a confined valley: part 1 of 2 case study from the former Sullivan mine, Kimberley, BC. BC Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation: 42nd Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium
- Innovative design and deep trench excavation for a groundwater collection improvement project: part 2 of 2 case study from the former Sullivan Mine, Kimberley BC, BC. Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation: 42nd Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium. https://open.library.ubc.ca/cIRcle/collectio
W. (Bill) Price. Overview of Performance, Risks and Requirements of ML/ARD Mitigation Measures for Tailings Storage Facilities - Part 2. Presented at the 2024 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection dry cover guidelines impoundment mitigation tailings treatment weathering
Unger M. and R. Peterson. Post Closure Water Management at the Reclaimed Sullivan Mine. Presented at the 2018 workshop.
KEYWORDS: closure collection discharge diversion dry cover flooded underground HDS maintenance monitoring soil barrier Sullivan sulphate reduction tailings treatment waste rock
van Dieren D.. Post-Closure ARD Collection and Treatment, Kimberley Operations. Presented at the 2003 workshop.
KEYWORDS: backfill closure collection diversion HDS prediction soil barrier solid residue Sullivan treatment
Ferguson P., C. Wels and N. Pesonen. Previous Mine Waste Disposal and ARD/ML Management at Nyrstar Myra Falls, British Columbia. Presented at the 2018 workshop.
KEYWORDS: backfill collection diversion drainage chemistry hydrology impoundment loading Myra Falls natural lake PAG paste receiving environment slurry tailings waste rock water management
Schofield I., B. Cinton, K. Payne, P. Brown, M. Logsdon, M. Wickman and J. Waples. Progress in Remediating ARD-Contaminated Groundwater at Bingham Canyon Mine, Utah, USA. Presented at the 2011 workshop.
KEYWORDS: amend lime Bingham Canyon collection HDS heap leach regulation reverse osmosis tailings treatment waste rock
Unger M. and D. van Dieren. Sullivan Mine: Water Collection Closure Plan vs. 10 yrs Post-Closure Experience. Presented at the 2011 workshop.
KEYWORDS: backfill closure collection dry cover flooded underground HDS hydrology soil barrier Sullivan treatment water management
Forgeron S.. The 1B Hydraulic System - Sydney Coalfield, Glace Bay, NS. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Cape Breton closure collection diversion drainage chemistry hydrology treatment underground
McGregor D.. The Faro Mine Legacy. Presented at the 2019 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection diversion drainage treatment dry cover lime revegetation
Schwenger R.. Waste Rock Management at Heath Steele. Presented at the 2003 workshop.
KEYWORDS: amend limestone backfill collection HDS Heath Steele treatment waste rock
Bailey B. and K. Bellefontaine. Water Treatment: Experience and Challenges with Old and New Technologies at Mines in BC. Presented at the 2018 workshop.
KEYWORDS: active BC collection cost drainage treatment guidelines passive regulation solid residue
Williams R.D.. Zortman-Landusky: May2011 Extreme Weather Event - is it Time for Plans of Operations to Include an Ark?. Presented at the 2011 workshop.
KEYWORDS: climate change collection failure heap leach lime treatment water management Zortman-Landusky
Supporting Documents: