BC MEND ML/ARD Annual Workshop

  1. Orava D.. A MEND Case Study Update: The Owl Creek Open Pit Waste Rock Backfill Project. Presented at the 2006 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend limestone  backfill  options analysis  Owl Creek  pit  waste rock 

  2. Fransen P., J. Ruddock, T. Matuschka, S. Miller and W. Russell. Micro and Macro Scale Design and Performance of Dry Covers - Waihi, New Zealand. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend limestone  dry cover  encapsulation  tailings impoundment  Waihi  waste rock 

  3. P. Ferguson, D. Jones, J. Skoglund and Z. Tebaibi. Rehabilitation of Mine Bouchard Hebert, Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec. Presented at the 2023 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend limestone  backfill  blending  drainage chemistry  hydrology  pit lake  waste rock  water management 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Mixing and spreading amended waste rock video
    2. Mixing waste rock and limestone with comb bucket video
    3. Excavator working near the edge of the pit (Week 4) video

  4. Ferguson P., C. Wels, S. Downs, J. Woollard and D. Jones. Remediation Planning for the Sandy Flat Mine Site, Northern Territory, Australia. Presented at the 2022 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  abandoned  amend limestone  backfill  drainage chemistry  heap leach  hydrology  options analysis  pit lake  receiving environment  Sandy Flat  tailings  waste rock 

  5. Schwenger R.. Waste Rock Management at Heath Steele. Presented at the 2003 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  amend limestone  backfill  collection  HDS  Heath Steele  treatment  waste rock 

Looking for a past presentation?

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