Price W., M. Aziz and K. Bellefontaine. 2010 Review of Financial Security at Equity Silver Mine. Presented at the 2011 workshop.
KEYWORDS: cost Equity financial security lime treatment
O'Hearn T. and B. Klein. A Comparison of ARD Treatment Alternatives: Britannia Mine. Presented at the 1999 workshop.
KEYWORDS: ash Britannia cost HDS sulphate reduction treatment
Chambers B., S. Henderson and I. McWilliams. A History of Tailings Management at Myra Falls Operations. Presented at the 2008 workshop.
KEYWORDS: backfill cement closure impoundment Myra Falls natural lake PAG paste segregation seismic slurry tailings treatment underwater waste rock water management
Zhuang J.M. and T. Walsh. A New Technology for the Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: aeration ferric lignosulphonate lime NaOH proprietory treatment
Ayres B., L. Lanteigne and M. O'Kane. A Review of Performance of the Whistle Mine Backfilled Pit Cover System - Four Years After Construction. Presented at the 2009 workshop.
KEYWORDS: amend lime backfill dry cover model pit soil barrier treatment waste rock Whistle
Supporting Documents:
Gerits J.. A Review of Sulphate Treatment Technologies for Mine Drainage: Case Studies. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Landau sulphate reduction treatment
Gerits J.. A Review of Sulphate Treatment Technologies for Mine Drainage: Overview. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: barium reverse osmosis sulphate sulphate reduction treatment
Watson I., S. Hill, C. Banton and T. Davies. A UK perspective on managing mine waters sustainably. Presented at the 2015 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection passive treatment vertical flow wetland
Pickett T.. ABMet Selenium Removal. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: active reduction selenium treatment
Supporting Documents:
Kratochvil D., B. Baker and B. Murphy. Achieving less than 1 ppb Se Ð Results of pilot demonstration for the KSM project. Presented at the 2015 workshop.
KEYWORDS: KSM selenium solid residue treatment
Blier A., D. Therrien and R. Gallinger. Acid Rock Drainage Management at La Mine Doyon. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: backfill cost Doyon dry cover HDS PAG prediction treatment underwater
Higgins J.. Advances in the Use of Constructed Wetlands to Treat Mine Drainage. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: aeration limestone passive Rosebel Stockton sulphate reduction Trail treatment West Fork wetland
Supporting Documents:
- Like Dating Before Marriage Ð Experiences from Wetland Treatability Testing Result in a Stronger Match
- Bioremediation of Rock Drainage using Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria
Tsukamoto T. and G. Miller. Alcohol Enhanced Sulphate-Reducing Bioreactors: Better Control of Microbial Activity and Sludge Management. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: carbon Leviathon solid residue sulphate reduction treatment
Harrington J. and S. Davidson. Alexco Keno Hill Silver District: Development of Treatment Alternatives for Moderate Flow, Moderate Loading Adit Drainages for the Keno Hills Silver District. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: carbon Keno Hill natural attenuation sulfate reduction treatment underground
Jones D., M. Edraki and J. Taylor. An Overview of the Information in the Proceedings of the 2022 ICARD Part 2. Presented at the 2022 workshop.
KEYWORDS: backfill climate change codisposal cover deposition failure filter lithium mineralogy pit lake prediction rare earth Selbaie treatment waste rock
Mortazavi S.. Application of Membrane Separation Technology to Mining Processes. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: ASARCO Bingham Canyon Central City membrane Sasol Technology solid residue treatment
Bratty M., T. Andersson, H. Holmstrom and N. Gallagher. ARD Treatment in a Case Study on a Millennium of Mining - Falu Gruva, Sweden. Presented at the 2017 workshop.
KEYWORDS: drainage chemistry Falu Gruva flooded mine HDS metal recovery solid residue treatment
Higgs T.W.. Arsenic and Antimony Removal from ARD and Sludge Stability. Presented at the 1995 workshop.
KEYWORDS: arsenic ferric lime solid residue treatment
Figueroa L.. Assessing Sustainability of Organic Substrates in Passive Bioreactors Treating Mining Influenced Water. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: carbon passive treatment vertical flow pond wetland
Vandenberg J., P. Beddoes and S. Litke. Beneficial Use of Springer Pit Lake at Mount Polley Mine. Presented at the 2017 workshop.
KEYWORDS: in-situ Mount Polley pit lake treatment
Pelletier C., D. Muggli, M. Wen and G. Poling. Biogeochemical Treatment of ARD at the Island Copper Mine Pit Lake. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: drainage chemistry insitu Island Copper microbiology nutrients pit lake treatment
Kratochvil D., M. Bratty and J. Boonstra. Biological Treatment of Acid Wastewater for Selective Metal Recovery and Site Remediation: Commercial Case Studies. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: active Bisbee Budel Caribou metal recovery Raglan sulphate reduction treatment
Adams J.. Biological Treatment of Metals and Inorganics in Mining Waters. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: arsenic cyanide Landusky nutrient selenium treatment
Marchant B.. BioteQ - Commercial Case Studies. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Bisbee Caribou cost metal recovery Raglan sulphate reduction treatment
O'Hara G. and R. Hammett. Britannia Mine Remediation Project: Water Management. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Britannia collection discharge diversion flooded underground HDS loadings treatment
Rector D. and B. Clarke. Britannia Mine Water Treatment Plant: Environmental Compliance and Risk Transfer in a Collaborative Partnership. Presented at the 2019 workshop.
KEYWORDS: abandoned Britannia bulkhead discharge diversion HDS regulation risk assessment treatment
Butler R.. Brunswick Mine - Environmental Management. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Brunswick closure HDS lime receiving environment thiosalt treatment water management
Marchant B.. Case Studies of Sustainable Water Treatment Solutions for Acid Rock Drainage. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: costs Dexing ion exchange lime metal recovery options analysis Raglan sulphate reduction treatment Wellington Oro
Higgs T.. Challenges in Water Treatment. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: active Alumbrera Cajamarquilla Colquijirca Equity Geco Henderson Norbec Pogo solid residue treatment Valleyfield
Martin A.J., S. Fawcett, A. Rollo, D. Loomer and T. Al. Characterization of ARD Neutralization Sludge: Links between ARD Influent Chemistry, Treatment Process and Sludge Composition. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Britannia Equity Geco lime mineralogy prediction solid residue treatment
Meiers G., M. O'Kane, C. Bradley and J. Shea. Closure of a Legacy WRP: Transitioning to Passive Treatment. Presented at the 2015 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Cape Breton dry cover geomembrane hydrology treatment Victoria Junction
Small A., J. Pugh, J. Stroiazzo and I. Walton. Closure of Jarosite Pond Facility, Timmins, Ontario: Design and Construction. Presented at the 2013 workshop.
KEYWORDS: closure dry cover geomembrane impoundment Kidd Creek lime processing solid-residue treatment
Sibbick S., J. Kavalench, H. Lindsay, R. Harmati and K. Harmati. Closure of the Albino Lake Facility Eskay Creek Mine. Presented at the 2011 workshop.
KEYWORDS: cement Eskay Creek ferric natural lake pH-adjustment solid residue tailings treatment waste rock
Stockwell J., G. Gilron and A. Marton. Coal Mine Planning and Selenium in British Columbia. Presented at the 2013 workshop.
KEYWORDS: insitu options analysis pit lake selenium treatment
Harrington J.. Combining In Situ Treatment and Active Water Treatment: Case Study at Schwartzwalder Uranium Mine. Presented at the 2017 workshop.
KEYWORDS: flooded underground in-situ passive Schwartzwalder treatment
Lawrence R.. Commercial Water Treatment Experience in Metal and Sulphate Removal from Acidic Drainage. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Bisbee metal recovery Raglan sulphate reduction treatment
Lawrence R.. Commercial Water Treatment Experience in Metal and Sulphate Removal from Acidic Drainage-Canadian Case Studies. Presented at the 2019 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Bisbee lime metal recovery Raglan Mine sulphate reduction treatment
Supporting Documents:
- Biogenic Sulphide for Cyanide Recycle and Copper Recovery in Gold-Copper Ore Processing.
- Applications for Biogenic Sulphide Reagent for Copper Recovery in Copper and Gold Hydrometallurgi-cal Operations.
Price W. and K. Bellefontaine. Components of Successful Drainage Treatment. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: active collection guidelines passive solid residue treatment
Bleiker D.. Concept to Closure: Victoria Junction Coal Preparation Plant. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Cape Breton closure dry cover geomembrane hydrology treatment Victoria Junction
McKevitt B.. Continuous Improvement at Teck’s West Line Creek Water Treatment Plant. Presented at the 2020 workshop.
KEYWORDS: clarifier fluidized bed moving bed receiving environment selenium treatment
Higgs T.. Design of the Britannia Mine HDS Plant. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Britannia HDS solid residue treatment
Jarvis A., C. Gandy, R. Harris, J. Malley, A. Moorhouse, and H. Potter. Design, construction and performance of the UK's first full-scale passive mine water treatment system for base metal mine drainage. Presented at the 2014 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Force Crag passive treatment underground vertical flow
Shea J.. Designing a Treatment System to Deal with the Combined Discharge from a Group of Nine Flooding Coal Mines. Presented at the 2012 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Cape Breton flooded underground hydrology subsidence treatment
Ziemkiewicz P., J. Constant, H. Finklea, L. Lin, D. Hoffman, J. Quaranta and A. Noble. Develop and Test an Integrated Acid Mine Drainage Treatment and REE/CM Extraction Plant. Presented at the 2022 workshop.
KEYWORDS: geotube rare earth solid residue treatment
Supporting Documents:
Davidson T.. Developing a Solution to Selenium Speciation. Presented at the 2019 workshop.
KEYWORDS: analysis clarifier discharge fluidized bed monitoring options analysis ozone peroxide selenium treatment
A. Cheema and A. Gault. Development and Implementation of In-Situ Denitrification Treatment in Gibraltar Mines TSF. Presented at the 2023 workshop.
KEYWORDS: batch blasting residue carbon drainage chemistry Gibraltar monitoring options analysis reduction treatment water management
Taylor L.. Development of a New Mine on a Brownfield Site and Drainage Chemistry: Doyon Mine and Westwood Mine. Presented at the 2018 workshop.
KEYWORDS: backfill closure construction material costs desulphurize Doyon encapsulation flooded HDS impoundment operating pit solid residue tailings treatment underground waste rock Westwood
Pulles W.. Development of Passive Bioneutralization Technology. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: passive sulphate reduction treatment
Martin T.. Dewatered Tailings Management ARD Aspects. Presented at the 2008 workshop.
KEYWORDS: codisposal filter paste tailings thicken treatment water managemement
Wels C., P. Kuranov, A. Trapp, P. Ferguson, M. Miller, A. Bhabra and S. Jensen. Down-Valley Seepage Interception System, Rose Creek Valley, Faro Mine Remediation Project. Presented at the 2020 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection dam Faro hydrology tailings impoundment tracer treatment
Wels C., P. Kuranov, A. Trapp, P. Ferguson, M. Miller, A. Bhabra and S. Jensen. Down-Valley Seepage Interception System, Rose Creek Valley, Faro Mine Remediation Project. Presented at the 2020 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection dam Faro hydrology tailings impoundment tracer treatment
Hennessey D.. Duck Pond ARD Management. Presented at the 2022 workshop.
KEYWORDS: amend backfill impoundment lime monitoring pit lake polish tailings treatment underground underwater waste rock
Black K., P. Muise and M. Wiber. East Kemptville, Nova Scotia: Prediction Versus Observed Drainage Chemistry. Presented at the 2003 workshop.
KEYWORDS: closure East Kemptville in-situ lime prediction treatment
Merla A. and K. Pouw. Effluent treatment experience with proprietary organosulphide reagents. Presented at the 2014 workshop.
KEYWORDS: active organosulphide proprietory treatment
Black K., A. Coggan and M. Wiber. Elliot Lake - Status Report on Water Cover Performance. Presented at the 2003 workshop.
KEYWORDS: amend lime limestone Panel Quirke radium Spanish American Stanleigh treatment underwater uranium
Lien L.. EMS Solutions for Acid and Alkaline Mine Drainage. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: cost membrane reverse osmosis treatment
Meints C. and M. Aziz. Equity Mine - 25 Years of Closure. Presented at the 2018 workshop.
KEYWORDS: batch closure collection construction material discharge drainage chemistry dry cover Equity financial security HDS hydrology impoundment monitoring physical stability prediction receiving environment soil barrier solid residue tailings treatment underwater waste rock
Aziz M. and K. Ferguson. Equity Silver Mine: Over 10 Years Experience with Dry Covers. Presented at the 2004 workshop.
KEYWORDS: climate dry cover Equity hydrology lime maintenance costs model monitoring soil barrier treatment waste rock
Blier A. and G. Amyot. Flooding as a Reclamation Solution to an Acidic Tailings Pond and Open Pit; More than 15 Years After. Presented at the 2011 workshop.
KEYWORDS: amend lime impoundment pit proprietary Solbec tailings treatment underwater waste rock
Supporting Documents:
- Flooding as a Reclamation Solution to an Acidic Tailings Pond, the Solbec Case. Cambior Inc. (1999).
Zinck J.. GARD Guide Overview - Treatment Overview, Chapter 7. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Bisbee Equity guidelines HDS treatment
Shaw S. and A.M. Robertson. Geochemical Predictions of the Landusky Spent Ore Heap Leach Pads and Implications for Water Management. Presented at the 2001 workshop.
KEYWORDS: abandoned drainage chemistry gas heap leach Landusky mineralogy PAG prediction treatment
Sencza W.. Golden Giant Mine Closure. Presented at the 2013 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection cyanide ferric Golden Giant ion exchange NaOH treatment underwater
Tibbals R.. Golden Sunlight Mine Bio-Treatment of Acid Producing Waste. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: air trap anoxic drain Golden Sunlight sulphate reduction treatment
Nicholson R.. Hardy and Kidd Acid Drainage and Metal Leaching Histories: Contrast and Comparison. Presented at the 2003 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Hardy Kidd Creek lime prediction tailings treatment waste rock
Knapp J.B.. HDS Water Treatment Plant at Cominco's Sullivan Operation. Presented at the 1995 workshop.
KEYWORDS: HDS solid residue Sullivan treatment
French K.. How the Design, Construction and Performance of Permeable Reactive Barriers Keeps Getting Better. Presented at the 2022 workshop.
KEYWORDS: hydrology kinetic test limestone permeable reactive barrier prediction QAQC treatment ZVI
Gammons C.. Improvements to the Water Quality of the Acidic Berkeley Pit Lake. Presented at the 2020 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Berkeley drainage chemistry human health lime metal recovery monitoring pit lake treatment
Aube B. and L. Anctil. In-Pulp Treatment of Dissolved Arsenic from a Gold Mine. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: amend ferric arsenic Casa Berardi processing tailings treatment
Fawcett S., A. Martin, J. Stockwell, A.Rollo, D. Loomer and T. Al. Influence of ARD Drainage Characteristics on the Composition of Neutralization Sludges. Presented at the 2011 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Britannia Brunswick Chisel North Equity Geco mineralogy prediction Samatosum solid residue Sullivan treatment
Price W.. Information and Design Requirements for Drainage Treatment in British Columbia. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection discharge guidelines solid residue treatment
Fyfe J. and J. Martin. Innovative Closure Concepts for Xstrata Nickel Onaping Operations. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: amend lime cyclone dredge impoundment management Onaping slimes dry cover tailings treatment underwater waste rock
Aubé B.. Les Mines Selbaie, Zinc Removal from Pit Lake: Laboratory, Limnocorals, Batch Pit Treatment. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: batch lime pit lake Selbaie treatment
Supporting Documents:
Zinck J.. Lime Sludge Management - An Update on Technologies. Presented at the 2003 workshop.
KEYWORDS: deposition lime mitigation prediction solid residue survey treatment
C. Wiramanaden, B. Barnhart, T. Nash and H. Heffner. Long-term Changes in Water Quality at a Decommissioned Uranium Mine Tailings Management Area have the Potential to Change Water Treatment Efficacy. Presented at the 2023 workshop.
KEYWORDS: barium drainage chemistry long-term Panel Stanleigh sulphate treatment underwater uranium
C. Kuang, G. Oka, A. Martin, S. Matson, S. Uchtenhagen, F. Abanto, H. Davies, K. Pouw, D.P.A. Condori and S. Thibeault. Long-term Passive Treatment of Gold Mine Effluent Using a Natural Wetland. Presented at the 2023 workshop.
KEYWORDS: ammonium copper cyanide drainage chemistry First Nation Musslewhite sulphate temperature treatment wetland
Ziemkiewicz P.. Long-term Performance of Passive AMD Treatment Systems. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: anoxic cost financial security limestone bed maintenance passive treatment wetland
Ziemkiewicz P.. Long-Term Performance of Passive AMD Treatment Systems in the Eastern U.S.. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: anoxic limestone bed cost guidelines limestone bed passive slag survey treatment verticla flow pond wetland
Jarvis A. and P. Younger. Low Maintenance Options and Challenges for the Collection and Interception of Mine Drainage. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection permeable reactive barrier treatment UK vertical flow pond wetland
D. Rainey. Management of the Tailings Storage Facility at the Abandoned Ketza River Gold Mine in Subarctic Yukon. Presented at the 2024 workshop.
KEYWORDS: arsenic impoundment physical stability risk assessment tailings treatment underwater water management
Chalmers B., S. Henderson and I. McWilliams. Managing 3 Meters of Rainfall Per Year. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection Myra Falls tailings impoundment treatment water management
Nicholson R., M. Biglari, M. Venhuis and M. Patterson. Managing Acid Generation and Metal Leaching in High Sulphide Thickened Tailings During Operation: Lessons Learned at Xstrata's Kidd Metsite. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Kidd Creek lime load management prediction tailings thickened treatment
Yaschyshyn D.. Managing Thiosalts at Xstrata Copper Canada - Kidd Operations. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: ferric Kidd Creek peroxide processing residue thiosalt treatment
Supporting Documents:
Martin A., J. Mackin, T. Crozier, S. Hedberg, D. Paszkowski, J. Jambor, S. Hiller and D. Gelderland. Mechanisms of Arsenic Attenuation in a Gold Mill Tailings Impoundment. Presented at the 2012 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Cochenour Wilanour drainage chemistry impoundment in-situ loading roaster tailings treatment underwater
Zinck J. and W. Griffith. MEND Treatment and Sludge Management Survey. Presented at the 2007 workshop.
KEYWORDS: active solid residue survey treatment
Chevalier P. and C. Hogan. MEND Update - 2018. Presented at the 2019 workshop.
KEYWORDS: batch ferric insitu MEND treatment underwater
Atherton C. and A. Shaw. Metal Leaching and Acid Rock Drainage Prediction, Prevention and Mitigation at the Brucejack Gold Mine. Presented at the 2018 workshop.
KEYWORDS: backfill Brucejack Sulphurets flooded underground kinetic tests natural lake operating paste prediction tailings thicken treatment underground underwater waste rock
Nicholson R.. Metal Leaching Issues in the Canadian Mining Industry: A Progress Report. Presented at the 2003 workshop.
KEYWORDS: neutral pH prediction regulation treatment
Smyth D., D. Blowes, C. Ptacek and J. Bain. Metals Removal from Groundwater Using Permeable Reactive Barriers (PRBs). Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: arsenic Elizabeth City guidelines Nickel Rim permeable reactive barrier slag treatment
Patch F.. Mine Drainage Issues at Keno Hills Mine, Yukon. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: abandoned Keno Hills lime tailings treatment underground
D. Sapsford. Mine Water Treatment, Resource Recovery and Sustainability. Presented at the 2023 workshop.
KEYWORDS: aeration England GHG limestone NaCO3 passive reprocessing solid residue treatment vertical flow Wales
Brewis M. and B. Koehler. ML/ARD Challenges on the Site C Clean Energy Project. Presented at the 2019 workshop.
KEYWORDS: mitigation non-mine PAG prediction treatment underwater
Dunbar D., D. Flather and S. Salvador. Modeling of Mines Selbaie Pit Lake: Calibration and Long-Term Forecasting. Presented at the 2006 workshop.
KEYWORDS: diffusion barrier hydrology model peat pit lake Selbaie soil solid residue treatment waste rock
Freberg M.. Molybdenum Removal in Constructed Anerobic Wetlands. Presented at the 2002 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Highland Valley passive treatment wetland
Aube B.. Molybdenum Treatment at Codelco El Teniente Mine. Presented at the 2010 workshop.
KEYWORDS: El Teniente ferric NaOH solid residue tailings treatment
Liang H.C., B. Baker and D. Kratochvil. Non-Biological Active Selenium Treatment – Project Experience with Tool for Getting Below Detection Limit at the End-of-Pipe. Presented at the 2022 workshop.
KEYWORDS: electrical reduction ion exchange Kemess Lake Koocanusa membrane selenium treatment
Hedin R.. Operation and Maintenance of Passive Treatment Systems. Presented at the 2017 workshop.
KEYWORDS: maintenance passive solid residue treatment
Peterson R., S. Humphries and D. Schneider. Overcoming Challenges in Long-term Groundwater Interception. Lower Mine Yard, Former Sullivan Mine, Kimberley, BC. Presented at the 2020 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection hydrology maintenance Sullivan treatment waste rock
Supporting Documents:
- Hydrogeological assessment for mitigation of groundwater discharge to a creek in a confined valley: part 1 of 2 case study from the former Sullivan mine, Kimberley, BC. BC Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation: 42nd Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium
- Innovative design and deep trench excavation for a groundwater collection improvement project: part 2 of 2 case study from the former Sullivan Mine, Kimberley BC, BC. Technical and Research Committee on Reclamation: 42nd Annual Mine Reclamation Symposium.
Larratt H. and M. Ohata. Overcoming Hurdles and Unexpected Help in Maintaining Tailings Ponds as Wetlands, Fisheries and Bioreactors at Highland Valley Copper, BC. Presented at the 2013 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Highland Valley Copper impoundment other passive reclamation tailings treatment underwater
Larratt H. and P. Martell. Overcoming Low Productivity of Pit Lakes used as Bioreactors and Fisheries at Highland Valley Copper, BC. Presented at the 2013 workshop.
KEYWORDS: Highland Valley Copper other passive pit lake reclamation treatment underwater
W. (Bill), Price. Overview of Performance, Risks and Requirements of ML/ARD Mitigation Measures for Tailings Storage Facilities - Part 2. Presented at the 2024 workshop.
KEYWORDS: collection dry cover guidelines impoundment mitigation tailings treatment weathering