BC MEND ML/ARD Annual Workshop

  1. Cash A., G. Wilson, P. Urrutia and J. Robertson. A 2011 Update for the Single-layer Desulphurized Tailings Cover Completed in 1999 at Detour Gold. Presented at the 2011 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  cost  desulphurize  Detour  dry cover  model  NAG  PAG  slurry  tailings 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Evaluation of a Single-Layer Desulphurized Tailings Cover. 6th ICARD

  2. B. Friedlander, J. Franklin, A. Tithh, R. Baumgartner, B. Juarez, W. Gan and C. Miranda. Case Study for Legacy Site Tailings Characterization, Reprocessing and Repurposing. Presented at the 2023 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  desulphurize  mineralogy  reprocessing  sampling  tailings 

  3. B. Murphy and T.D. Meintjes. Case Study of the KSM Tailings Storage Facility. Presented at the 2024 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  desulphurize  impoundment  options analysis  physical stability  predevelopment  regulation  risk assessment  tailings  underwater 

  4. Eriksson N.. De-pyritization of Tailings: Experiences from Three Copper Mines in Scandinavia. Presented at the 2018 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Aitik  desulphurize  European Union  Kevitsa  Kylylahti  regulations  tailings  thiosalt 

  5. Taylor L.. Development of a New Mine on a Brownfield Site and Drainage Chemistry: Doyon Mine and Westwood Mine. Presented at the 2018 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  closure  construction material  costs  desulphurize  Doyon  encapsulation  flooded  HDS  impoundment  operating  pit  solid residue  tailings  treatment  underground  waste rock  Westwood 

  6. Nesset J.E., J. Gibson and D. Dobney. Field Examples and Mitigation Strategies for Sulphide Mixtures with a High Risk of Self-heating. Presented at the 2020 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  AP  concentrate  desulphurize  encapsulation  gas  kinetic test  lignosulphonate  lime  mitigation  monitoring  paste  prediction  Raglan  Red Dog  tailings  temperature  underground  waste rock 

  7. Bent H.. Generating Dam Construction Material from Tailings Sand, Kemess Mine. Presented at the 2008 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  construction material  desulphurize  Kemess  sand  tailings impoundment 

  8. Buus C.. Golden Sunlight Mine: A Case Study for Tailing Reprocessing as a Closure Strategy. Presented at the 2022 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  closure  desulphurize  Golden Sunlight  tailings 

  9. T. Desormeaux and A. Tong. Kemess South TSF ARD Management. Presented at the 2024 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  cyclone  desulphurize  drainage chemistry  impoundment  physical stability  tailings  underwater  waste rock 

  10. Parry J. and S. Day. Mitigation of Tailings ARD Potential by Separate Disposal of Bulk and Cleaner Tailings. Presented at the 2008 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  desulphurize  Huckleberry  PAG  rougher  slurry  taillings 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Producing NAG Rougher Tailings

  11. W. (Bill), Price. Overview of Performance, Risks and Requirements of ML/ARD Mitigation Measures for Tailings Storage Facilities - Part 1. Presented at the 2024 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  desulphurize  guidelines  impoundment  mitigation  tailings  underwater 

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