BC MEND ML/ARD Annual Workshop

  1. Jones D., M. Edraki and J. Taylor. An Overview of the Information in the Proceedings of the 2022 ICARD Part 2. Presented at the 2022 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  climate change  codisposal  cover  deposition  failure  filter  lithium  mineralogy  pit lake  prediction  rare earth  Selbaie  treatment  waste rock 

  2. Brehaut H. ARD Risk Management - An Integrated Framework. Presented at the 2022 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  failure  guidelines  option analysis  regulation  risk assessment 

  3. Mueller S.. Boliden Aitik Mine Closure Planning - Resulting Closure Plan. Presented at the 2019 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Aitik  failure  option analysis  regulation  risk assessment  stakeholder 

  4. Phillip M., D. Hockley, B. Dawson and W. Kuit. Convective Flow Monitoring and the Influence of Cover Material. Presented at the 2009 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  failure  gas  health and safety  Sullivan  temperature  waste rock 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Sullivan Mine Fatalities Incident: Technical Investigations and Findings
    2. Sullivan Mine Fatalities Incident: Key Conclusions and Implications for Other Sites

  5. Ford C.. Cyprus Climax Metals Company Engineered Risk Assessment Program. Presented at the 1998 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  failure  risk assessment 

  6. Bruce I.. Geotechnical Risk Assessment and Management. Presented at the 1998 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dam  failure  management  risk assessment 

  7. Rykaart M., D. Hockley, M. Noel, M. Paul and S. Jahn. International Review of Soil Cover Design & Construction Practices. Presented at the 2004 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  failure  guidelines  survey 

  8. Dumaresq C.. Internationals Standards for Tailings Management and their Application to Managing ML/ARD. Presented at the 2022 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  community  drainage chemistry  failure  GISTM  guidelines  maintenance  management  monitoring  operation  options analysis  risk assessment  TSM 

  9. Anglin L.. Mount Polley Mine - Tailings Storage Facility dam breach: Environmental Response Program. Presented at the 2015 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dam  failure  Mount Polley  reclamation  tailings 

  10. Kennedy C., S. Day and ‘L. Anglin. Mount Polley Tailings: Updates on Geochemical Testing and Conceptual Model. Presented at the 2017 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  drainage chemistry  failure  Mount Polley  neutral pH  prediction  tailings 

  11. Sellars W. and A. Higginbottom. Mt. Polley TSF Failure - Williams Lake Indian Band Looking Back 2 Years. Presented at the 2017 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dam  failure  First Nation  Mount Polley  receiving environment 

  12. C. Dumaresq (Facilitator), A. Berchtold (Panelist), K. Norlund (Panelist) and H. McLeod (Panelist). Panel - Multi-Stakeholder Views on Lessons Learned and Necessary Steps Forward. Presented at the 2024 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  communication  community  failure  filter  impoundment  options analysis  risk assessment  tailings  thicken 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Community View: Lessons Learned and Needed Steps Forward
    2. Comments on State of Practice to Reduce Tailings Dam Risks

  13. C. Dumaresq (Facilitator), A. Berchtold (Panelist), K. Norlund (Panelist) and H. McLeod (Panelist). Panel - Multi-Stakeholder Views on Lessons Learned and Necessary Steps Forward and Comments on State of Practice to Reduce Tailings Dam Risks. Presented at the 2024 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  communication  community  failure  filter  impoundment  options analysis  risk assessment  tailings  thicken 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Community View: Lessons Learned and Needed Steps Forward
    2. Comments on State of Practice to Reduce Tailings Dam Risks

  14. Martin T.E.. Permanent Submergence: The Long-Term Challenge and Commitment of Keeping the Genie in the Bottle. Presented at the 2012 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  dam  failure  Huckleberry  impoundment  Island Copper  Kemess  Myra Falls  natural lake  pit lake  risk assessment  submarine  underwater 

  15. Knapp R.. Simplified Risk Assessment of the Shebandowan Tailings Pond Closure. Presented at the 1998 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  cost  dredge  failure  impoundment  risk assessment  Shebandowan  tailings  underwater 

  16. Berdusco R.. Sullivan Accident 2006. Presented at the 2006 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  failure  health and safety  Sullivan  waste rock 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Speaker Notes
    2. Sullivan News Release
    3. Backgrounder
    4. Sullivan Mine Accident Report
    5. Sullivan Sampling Shed Diagram

  17. Phillip M. and D. Hockley. Sullivan Fatalities Incident: Technical Investigations and Findings Part 1. Presented at the 2007 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  failure  gas  health and safety  Sullivan  temperature  waste rock 

  18. Phillip M. and D. Hockley. Sullivan Fatalities Incident: Technical Investigations and Findings Part 2. Presented at the 2007 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  failure  gas  health and safety  model  Sullivan  temperature  waste rock 

  19. Poole A.. Tailings Management at Omai Gold Mines Ltd.; Catalyst for Change. Presented at the 2008 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  dam  failure  impoundment  Omai  risk assessmentilings  tailings 

  20. Eriksson N. and P. Adamek. The Tailings Pond Failure at the Aznalcóllar Mine, Spain. Presented at the 2017 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  Aznalcollar  dam  failure  tailings 

  21. Gardiner E.. Towards Responsible Tailings Management: The MAC Trilogy. Presented at the 2008 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  failure  guidelines  MAC  management  tailings 

  22. Williams R.D.. Zortman-Landusky: May2011 Extreme Weather Event - is it Time for Plans of Operations to Include an Ark?. Presented at the 2011 workshop.

    KEYWORDS:  climate change  collection  failure  heap leach  lime  treatment  water management  Zortman-Landusky 

    Supporting Documents:

    1. Relevant References

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