BC MEND ML/ARD Annual Workshop


  1. Martin J., B. Fraser, R. Parker, B. Rodgers, R. Nicholson and T. Sulatycky. The Owl Creek Pit Part 1: Relocating Mine Rock from Surface Stockpiles to the Pit to Mitigate Acid Drainage. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  amend  backfill  lime  limestone  Owl Creek  Pit  underwater  waste rock 

  2. Rodgers B., B. Fraser, R. Parker, J. Martin, R. Nicholson and T. Sulatycky. The Owl Creek Pit Part 2: Pit Water Quality 25 Years after Backfilling with Acid Generating Rock. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  amend  backfill  lime  limestone  Owl Creek  pit  underwater  waste rock 

  3. Eriksson N. Performance of the Flooded TMF at Stekenjokk: 25 Years of Follow-Up. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  impoundment  Stekenjokk  tailings  underwater 

  4. Martin A.J., J. Dockrey, S. Jackson, J. Stockwell, C. Meints and M. Aziz. Enhanced Mobility of Arsenic and Molybdenum in a Tailings Pond in Response to Nitrate Depletion. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  Equity  impoundment  tailings  underwater 

  5. Beckie R. and Antamina Waste-Rock Research Team at Antamina, University of British Columbia and University of Alberta. A Ten-Year Waste-Rock Study: Lessons Learned from Multiple Scales and Impact on Prediction. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  Antamina  AP  drainage chemistry  gas  hydrology  microbiology  model  neutral pH  prediction  scale up  soil cover  temperature  waste rock 

  6. Atherton C., D. Blowes, S. Sinclair, D. Wilson, J. Zak, D. Barsi, R. Amos, C. Ptacek, J. Langman, D. Paktunc, L. Smith and D. Sego. Acid Generating Potential and Metal Attenuation in Low Sulfide, Waste-Rock Test Piles. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  Diavik  drainage chemistry  PAG  prediction  temperature  waste rock 

  7. Bain J., B. McNeill, M. Steinepreis, L. Smith, D. Blowes, R. Amos, A. Cash, G.W. Wilson, J. Robertson and M-H. Turgeon. Geochemistry and Microbiology of Historic Waste Rock Piles at the Detour Lake Gold Mine, Ontario. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  Detour Lake  drainage chemistry  gas  microbiology  PAG  particle size  prediction  soil cover  waste rock 

  8. Day S. and J. Robertson. Mine Waste Rock Handling Practices and Predictions of Risk of ARD Over the Long Term. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  Detour Lake  PAG  prediction  segregation  waste rock 

  9. Pearce S., A. Baisley and M. O’Kane. Quantitatively Assessing the Benefits of Managing Gas Entry into Waste Rock Dumps During Placement to Reduce Long-Term ML-ARD Risk. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  deposition  gas  prediction  waste rock 

  10. Tremblay G. INAP Updates 2017. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.


  11. Hogan C. and P. Chevalier. MEND and NOAMI Update. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.


  12. Dumaresq C. Revisions to the Tailings Management Component of MAC’s Towards Sustainable Mining Program. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  guidelines  MAC  tailings 

  13. Caldwell J.A. Tailings Failures and How To Avoid Them. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  dam  guidelines  management  risk assessment 

  14. Hughes C., K. McMahen, ‘L. Anglin, L. Nikl, T. Miller, J. Ogilvie and A. Bronsr. Mount Polley Mine Tailings Embankment Breach – Update on Remediation and Rehabilitation. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  Mount Polley, tailings, reclamation, dam, failure 

  15. Kennedy C., S. Day and ‘L. Anglin. Mount Polley Tailings: Updates on Geochemical Testing and Conceptual Model. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  drainage chemistry  failure  Mount Polley  neutral pH  prediction  tailings 

  16. Vandenberg J., P. Beddoes and S. Litke. Beneficial Use of Springer Pit Lake at Mount Polley Mine. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  in-situ  Mount Polley  pit lake  treatment 

  17. Bunce H. Mount Polley Mine Tailings Breach - Ministry of Environment Regulatory Response. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  regulation 

  18. Sellars W. and A. Higginbottom. Mt. Polley TSF Failure - Williams Lake Indian Band Looking Back 2 Years. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  dam  failure  First Nation  Mount Polley  receiving environment 

  19. Eriksson N. and P. Adamek. The Tailings Pond Failure at the Aznalcóllar Mine, Spain. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  Aznalcollar  dam  failure  tailings 

  20. Jarvis A.P. Passive Treatment of Mine Drainage: Options, Challenges, and Possible Future Developments. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  guidelines  passive  treatment 

  21. Jarvis A.P. and I. Watson. Operation and Maintenance of Downwards Flow Compost Systems for Mine Drainage Treatment: Experiences from 3 Full-Scale Systems in the UK. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  treatment, passive, vertical flow pond, maintenance 

  22. Hedin R. Operation and Maintenance of Passive Treatment Systems. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  maintenance  passive  solid residue  treatment 

  23. Hedin R. Treatment of Acidic Coal Mine Drainage with Vertical Flow Ponds and Drainable Limestone Beds. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  limestone bed  passive  treatment  vertical flow 

  24. Harrington J. Combining In Situ Treatment and Active Water Treatment: Case Study at Schwartzwalder Uranium Mine. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  flooded underground  in-situ  passive  Schwartzwalder  treatment 

  25. Bratty M., T. Andersson, H. Holmstrom and N. Gallagher. ARD Treatment in a Case Study on a Millennium of Mining - Falu Gruva, Sweden. 23rd British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2016.

    KEYWORDS:  drainage chemistry  Falu Gruva  flooded mine  HDS  metal recovery  solid residue  treatment 

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