BC MEND ML/ARD Annual Workshop


  1. Gibson G. Making Mine Planning Work for Communities from Feasibility Stage Through To Closure: Reflections on the Tlicho Experience in the North, NWT. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  closure  First Nation  operating  predevelopemnt 

  2. Price W. and M. Aziz. The Flooded Tailings Impoundment at the Equity Silver Mine. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  cyanide  dam  Equity Silver  impoundment  solid-residue  tailings  underwater 

  3. O'Kane M. and B. Dobchuk. The AANDC Cover Systems in Cold Regions Guidance Document - Rationale for Advocating use of an FMEA for Design and Presentation of the Document's FMEA Case Studies: Part 2. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  dry covers  guidelines  options analysis 

  4. O'Kane M. and B. Dobchuk. The AANDC Cover Systems in Cold Regions Guidance Document - Rationale for Advocating use of an FMEA for Design and Presentation of the Document's FMEA Case Studies: Part 1. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  dry covers  guidelines  options analysis 

  5. Dukkett R., O.P. Flite and M. O'Kane. ARD Management at the Rio Tinto Ridgeway Gold Mine, South Carolina, USA. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  dry cover  impoundment  liner  prediction  Ridgeway  soil barrier  tailings  waste rock 

  6. Flite O.P. and R. Duckett. Performance of the Pit Lake at Ridgeway Gold Mine, South Carolina, USA. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  pit lake  Ridgeway  underwater 

  7. Condon P. Dry Stack Tailings Disposal at the Greens Creek Mine, Admiralty Island, Alaska. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  amend carbon  backfill  codisposal  dry cover  filter  Greens Creek  prediction  tailings 

  8. Harrington J. Bellekeno Mine Dry Stack Tailings. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  Bellekeno  filter  freezing  Keno Hill  kinetic test  liner  tailings 

  9. Williams D., E. Villalobos, V. Cullen, J. Cassie, J. Adams and R. Tibbals. Dry Stack Tailings and Seepage Management, La Coipa Mine, Chile. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  cyanide  filter  La Coipa  tailings 

  10. Straub K. and M. Paradis. Tailings Storage Facility: Issues & Perspective of Filtered Tailings in an Arctic Environment Part 1. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  climate  dry cover  filter  freezing  Raglan  tailings 

  11. Straub K., J. Page, M. Paradis and D. Tremblay. Tailings Storage Facility: Issues & Perspective of Filtered Tailings in an Arctic Environment Part 2. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  dry cover  filter  freezing  Raglan  tailings  wind-erosion 

  12. Chatwin T. INAP and Global Alliance Update. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.


  13. Tremblay G. Update on MEND, including the 9th ICARD, and NOAMI. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.


  14. Martin T.E. Permanent Submergence: The Long-Term Challenge and Commitment of Keeping the Genie in the Bottle. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  backfill  dam  failure  Huckleberry  impoundment  Island Copper  Kemess  Myra Falls  natural lake  pit lake  risk assessment  submarine  underwater 

  15. Shea J. Designing a Treatment System to Deal with the Combined Discharge from a Group of Nine Flooding Coal Mines. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  Cape Breton  flooded underground  hydrology  subsidence  treatment 

  16. Martin A., J. Mackin, T. Crozier, S. Hedberg, D. Paszkowski, J. Jambor, S. Hiller and D. Gelderland. Mechanisms of Arsenic Attenuation in a Gold Mill Tailings Impoundment. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  Cochenour Wilanour  drainage chemistry  impoundment  in-situ  loading  roaster  tailings  treatment  underwater 

  17. Jamieson H., S.R. Walker, C. Andrade, S. Fawcett, S. DeSisto, J. Kavalench, L. Wrye, M. Bromstad, F. Opio, C. Stephen and M. Parsons. Controls on Arsenic Mobility in Mine Waste from Gold Deposits. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  arsenic  bioavailability  Giant  mineralogy  Nova Scotia  prediction  roaster  sediment  soil  tailings 

  18. Freed R., R. Marsland, J. Cho, I. McWilliams and S. Henderson. Investigating Loadings from Tailings and Waste Rock for Closure Planning at Nyrstar Myra Falls. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  closure  collection  hydrology  loading  Myra Falls  paste  tailings  waste rock 

  19. Beckie R., S. Blackmore, H. Peterson, M. Javadi, M. Lorca, R. Blaskovich, L. Laurenzi, P. Urrutia, T. Hirsche, J. Dockrey, M. Conlan, D. Bay, J.C. Corazao, C. Aranda, B. Harrison, R. Manrique, M. Lindsay, G.W. Wilson, S. Brienne, B. Klein and U. Mayer. UBC Investigation of the Mineralogical, Hydrological and Biogeochemical Controls on Drainage from Waste Rock at the Antamina Mine, Peru. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  Antamina  drainage chemistry  gas  prediction  scale up  waste rock 

  20. Rowe R.K. Lessons Learned from Landfills about Liner Performance and Leakage. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  composite  dry covers  GCL  geomembrane  guidelines  liners  soil barrier 

  21. Rowe R.K. Performance and Design Features to Improve and Sustain Geomembrane Performance. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  composite  construction  dry covers  GCL  geomembrane  guidelines  liners  soil barrier 

  22. Matthies R. and D. Blowes. Insights into the Fractionation of Stable Isotopes of Post-Transition Elements: Humidity Cell Study of Tailings from Kidd Creek. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  humidity cell  isotope  Kidd Creek 

  23. Amos R.T., B.L. Bailey, N. Pham, N. Fretz, S. Hannam, D. Blowes, D.C. Sego and L. Smith. Diavik Waste Rock Project: Northern Aspects and Scaling Predictions. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  Diavik  drainage chemistry  dry cover  freezing  hydrology  prediciton  scale up  temperature 

  24. Nicholson R., J. Stoiazzo and G. Guilleminot. Water Management at the Closed Brenda Mine Ð Reviewing a Decade of Performance. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  Brenda  closure  water management 

  25. Dockery J., A. Martin and J. Stockwell. Potential Role of Nitrate in the Release and Attenuation of Selenium in Coal-Mine Environments. 19th British Columbia MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop. Vancouver. 2012.

    KEYWORDS:  in-situ  prediction  selenium  treatment 

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