Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2006
Tremblay G. and C. Hogan. 2006 Update on MEND and NOAMI Programs. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
Supporting Documents:
- MEND in the 21st Century
Tremblay G. and C. Hogan - Abandoned Mines in Canada
Hogan C.M. and G.A. Tremblay
- MEND in the 21st Century
Kemp D. International Network for Acid Prevention (INAP) - An Update. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
Gardiner E. Tailings Management and Towards Sustainable Mining. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: guidelines management tailings
MacDonald B. Cape Breton Development Corporation (CBDC) Site Closure Program. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: background Cape Breton closure financial security flooded subsidence underground
Wiatzka G. Closure Liability Estimating for Cape Breton Development Closure Properties. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: abandoned Cape Breton closure financial security guidance underground
Supporting Documents:
- Development of a Screening Level Risk Assessment Methodology for Abandoned Mines and Former Military Sites in Northern Canada
Halbert B.E., H.A. Phillips, G.M. Wiatzka, M. Monabbati and M. Nahir - Risk Assessment of Site Conditions at the Port Radium Mine Site, NWT
Philipps H.A., B.E. Halbert and G.M. Wiatzka
- Development of a Screening Level Risk Assessment Methodology for Abandoned Mines and Former Military Sites in Northern Canada
Bleiker D. Concept to Closure: Victoria Junction Coal Preparation Plant. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: Cape Breton closure dry cover geomembrane hydrology treatment Victoria Junction
Forgeron S. The 1B Hydraulic System - Sydney Coalfield, Glace Bay, NS. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: Cape Breton closure collection diversion drainage chemistry hydrology treatment underground
Younger P. Mine Water Rebound - Processes and Products: A UK Perspective. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: closure drainage chemistry hydrology prediction subsidence underground
Ayres B. Design, Construction, and Performance Monitoring of Cover Systems for Waste Rock and Tailings. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: climate dry cover monitoring soil barrier water management Whistle
Wiber M. Poirier Reclamation Performance. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: chemistry drainage dry cover geomembrane Poirier subsidence tailings
Bellefontaine K. BC is Booming - Is ARD Looming? An Overview of Regulatory Approaches and Recent Mining Issues in British Columbia. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: financial security management mitigation prediction regulation selenium
Supporting Documents:
- Environmental Management Plans: A Key Tool in Ensuring Successful Long-term Environmental Management at Closed Mine Sites with ML/ARD
Bellefontaine K. and W. Price
- Environmental Management Plans: A Key Tool in Ensuring Successful Long-term Environmental Management at Closed Mine Sites with ML/ARD
Bradley R. The Rehabilitation of Ontario's Kam Kotia Mine. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: abandoned consolidation dry cover financial security GCL Kam Kotia lime NaOH rehabilitation solid residue tailings treatment
Chambers D. Alaska Large Mine Reclamation Bonding - 2005. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: cost financial security regulation
Supporting Documents:
- Alaska Large Mine Reclamation Bonding - 2005
Chambers D.M. - Financial Assurance Reviews for Alaskan Mines - Fort Knox, Green Creeks, Kensington Gold, Pogo and True North
Zuzulock S.
- Alaska Large Mine Reclamation Bonding - 2005
Ziemkiewicz P. Long-term Performance of Passive AMD Treatment Systems. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: anoxic cost financial security limestone bed maintenance passive treatment wetland
Higgins J. Advances in the Use of Constructed Wetlands to Treat Mine Drainage. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: aeration limestone passive Rosebel Stockton sulphate reduction Trail treatment West Fork wetland
Supporting Documents:
- Like Dating Before Marriage Ð Experiences from Wetland Treatability Testing Result in a Stronger Match
Higgins J. and M. Liner - Bioremediation of Rock Drainage using Sulphate-Reducing Bacteria
Higgins J.P., B.C. Hard and A. Mattes
- Like Dating Before Marriage Ð Experiences from Wetland Treatability Testing Result in a Stronger Match
Marchant B. BioteQ - Commercial Case Studies. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: Bisbee Caribou cost metal recovery Raglan sulphate reduction treatment
Zinck J. Update on Treatment Sludge Management: Properties, Stability and Disposal Options. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: backfill codisposal deposition lime metal recovery prediction regulation solid residue treatment
Supporting Documents:
- Disposal, Reprocessing and Reuse Options for Acidic Drainage Treatment Sludge
Zinck J. - Comparison of AMD Treatment Processes and their Impacts on Sludge Characteristics
Aubé B.C. and J.M. Zinck
- Disposal, Reprocessing and Reuse Options for Acidic Drainage Treatment Sludge
Coleman M. and K. Butler. Sludge Management at NB Coal, 1992-2006. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: codisposal drainage chemistry management New Brunswick Coal solid residue treatment
Butler R. Brunswick Mine - Environmental Management. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: Brunswick closure HDS lime receiving environment thiosalt treatment water management
Hicks S. Acidic Airport Drainage - Over 20 Years Worth of Experience . MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: dry cover Halifax airport HDS lime lime treatment limestone bed non-mine
Younger P. Outfalls of Mine Water to the Sea: Examples from the UK and France. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: discharge Gardanne Coal Heritage Coast receiving environment underground water management Wheal Jane
Price W. (Bill). Brief Overview of the Procedures used in the Prediction of Drainage Chemistry from Sulfidic Geological Materials. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: AP closure drainage chemistry guidelines kinetic test NP operating PAG pre-development prediction
Supporting Documents:
Goodwin T. and F. Bonner. Field Trip Guide -- Environmental and Economic Impacts Associated with Acid Rock Drainage Generation in the Halifax Regional Municipality. MEND Maritimes Workshop. Halifax, Nova Scotia. 2006.
KEYWORDS: geology mineralogy mitigation non-mine prediction regulation
Supporting Documents: